ISU Congress in Las Vegas: Rule changes and reforms launched

The 59th Congress of the International Skating Union (ISU) continued in Las Vegas. Numerous rule changes and reforms were adopted on the second day. Of the 75 proposals submitted, 38 were positively accepted.

In order to make the rules clearer, more uniform and more flexible, the ISU Congress passed a resolution to reform the general ISU statutes. "A Drafting Committee and Member Consultation Group will be appointed to run and oversee the revision process, ensuring that all ISU Members' perspectives are reflected. The approval of this modernization project is a significant step forward for the ISU, and we look forward to a collaborative and open approach to that end," said ISU President, Jae Youl Kim. This measure is part of the so-called "ISU Vision 2030."

The ISU has also agreed to introduce a Short Track World Tour. This is intended to be a continuation of the six-weekend World Cup series. A World Cup season consists of two events each in Europe, Asia and North America. The new Short Track World Tour is intended to be more attractive to fans and spectators through show elements.

The introduction of a Short Track World Tour was approved at the ISU Congress. GETTY IMAGES
The introduction of a Short Track World Tour was approved at the ISU Congress. GETTY IMAGES

In ice dancing and figure skating, the maximum age difference between the two partners must not be more than seven years. The reform planned by the ISU also includes changes to the rules for equipment.In the future, manufacturers will be allowed to appear on costumes. This measure would then apply to both clothing manufacturers and skate manufacturers and opens up opportunities to partner with Figure Skaters.

The ISU Junior Grand Prix series in figure skating begins on 28 August in Riga, Latvia. Skate America will then be the first competition in the ISU Grand Prix series for the elite starting on 18 October. The ISU World Cup for speed skaters starts on 22 November in Nagano, Japan. The short track skaters begin their World Cup season on 25 October in Montreal. The ISU Congress in Las Vegas will last until Friday, 14 June.