40 students participated in the Sports Management courses in Azerbaijan. NOC Azerbaijan

Between the 5th to 8th and 11th to 13th of December, Sports Management courses were conducted for students in the morning groups of the State Academy of Physical Education and Sports of Azerbaijan.

The courses are designed to equip students with the skills to navigate the structures and management of everything closely related to the execution of events and parallel structures in sports. The courses are organized by the Azerbaijan Youth and Sports Organization with the support of the Olympic Solidarity Fund of the International Olympic Committee.

In the courses, a total of 40 students participated with the requirement to uphold gender equality. NOC Azerbaijan
In the courses, a total of 40 students participated with the requirement to uphold gender equality. NOC Azerbaijan

This is a preparatory exercise that will become essential when the current students have to manage events. Prior knowledge and experiences gained during these courses help students prepare for what will later become their responsibilities.

In the courses, a total of 40 students participated with the requirement to uphold a gender balance. The presentations were conducted by the speakers: Ceyhun Rahmanov, Anar Bağırov, Mehman Kərimov, Kənan Məhərrəmov, Vaqif Əliyev, and Səkinə Vəliyeva.